Elections - 2010

The elections are upon Niagara Falls, Canada, on October 25th, 2010. Please get out and vote! Every vote counts. That means yours. Get involved. Please.

If you can't get out to vote, please call me. I'll make sure you get there. Call me at 905.374.3637. This ONLY applies on Election Day, October 25th. Your vote counts. Get there. I'll help you if you need transportation.

I want your vote. Please cast that one vote for me, Harvey Gordon.

As a former business person, concerned citizen, and local taxpayer, I want your voice heard. Elect Harvey Gordon to Niagara Falls City Council. Let me know your concerns. Together, working as a team, we can help make Niagara Falls the Number One tourist destination, World Class, and also make the City a place for ALL residents, ALL taxpayers, to enjoy, live, and work in.

Please vote for me, Harvey Gordon.

I want to look at the big picture. I know there are little issues and special interest groups that may have an individual agenda, and that's okay. They need to be heard and looked at. I need to see how all things work together for the good of our City. We LIVE here. Yes, we business here also. I'm concerned that a few get to say how we ALL should live. We need fairness in our representation.

I am a strong leader, yet understand the importance, and expect to be part, of the team. Working together, we can continue to make Niagara Falls a World Class place.

Please vote for me, Harvey Gordon. Thanks.

I have concerns about our water rates and formulas for calculating who pays what. Who is subsidizing whom? Although I may agree with, and believe in, user fees, I have a real problem when the majority have to pay for the few. The 'user' needs to pay to use, the 'non-user' should not have to. I see this in many instances. We are constantly told we all need to contribute because it is good for EVERYONE. Is it?

I have really BIG issues with the Casino and their overall role in Niagara Falls. Why do they get such breaks? Have they lived up to their promises they presented when the taxpayers voted to allow a Casino? Are the taxpayers, you and me, getting a fair deal? And now, what about keeping the other one open? What is the benefit to us, the taxpayers? When did we get to vote on a second one? Are they now paying more of their fair share of taxes for two business locations? When the City voted to allow a Casino, the vote was based on a temporary casino to be closed upon the opening of the pernament one.

Please vote for me, Harvey Gordon. I want your vote.

What about ‘offsite’ parking? Why is offsite parking approved?

Have you ever tried to get a city bus on a Sunday? What about the rest of the week? A city transit service is for the residents. The tourist (which is our mainstay, mind you) gets better service (and until 2 a.m. also) than we do. What's wrong with this picture?

Please vote for me, Harvey Gordon. Your vote counts!

To contact me, Harvey, certainly contact me.

Those who know me will tell you, I am honest, creative, with energy, and the inspiration to help lead this great City forward.

And just so you don't forget who I am amongst the candidates,
I'm Harvey Gordon. I’m a resident and a taxpayer, just like you are.

Please do your part. Please vote for me. Harvey Gordon. (That's Harvey Gordon for Niagara Falls City Council)

Your concerns are important to this City. Those concerns are also important to me. Let me hear your concerns and be your voice in a wise City Council. Let my understanding, knowledge, and wisdom be put to good use for the benefit of us ALL.

Thanks for your support. On October 25th, please vote for me, Harvey Gordon for City Council, Niagara Falls, Canada. Again, many thanks. If you might like to help out with time or finances, then please go to
I-support Harvey Gordon. And I do thank you for anything you can do to help.

And remember, if you need a ride on October 25th, just call. 905.FRIENDS. That is 905.374.3637.
Harvey Gordon

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