
by Sue Winger

Congratulations to all of you !!! You are all truly remarkable people. I've told a lot of people what you guys have done and that you've done it so many times before and they say "What???" A bicycle? You mean a motorcycle don't you? They are in disbelief. That's a long way to ride a bicycle. But no one knows that better than you. In the grand scheme of things, you can put some really big checkmarks on your "bucket list".

Becky, I think you are an awesome gal. You made this possible for these guys and I'm sure glad you were there when they needed you. (you heard a few fish tales I'm sure). :)

I hope to meet all of you very soon. Have a great celebration dinner and a safe trip home. (the weather is great here today and will be for the next few days).

Sue Winger

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